May 21, 2024
Swordfights, Fire Swamps, and ROUSes. Oh, My!

Swordfights, Fire Swamps, and ROUSes. Oh, My!

As a college admission essay coach, I get to read a lot of amazing essays. (Some I’ve guided students on, and some they’ve done all on […]
March 18, 2024
Blog post: The Importance of Authentic Storytelling and Clear Communication

The Importance of Authentic Storytelling and Clear Communication

I’ve seen several TikToks lately as to what the phrase “out of pocket” means — and which generation is using the phrase right. Originally, the phrase […]
September 15, 2023
Canvas for Students: 12 Tips to Skyrocket Your Productivity

Canvas for Students: 12 Tips to Skyrocket Your Productivity

More and more high schools and colleges are turning to Canvas (an online learning management system) to support students and instructors in their online and in-person […]
March 8, 2023
Julia Byrd: Essay Coach -- Fast, easy, and free ways to proofread your essay

Fast, Easy, and Free Ways to Proofread Your Essay

After you’ve put so much work into writing your essay, the last thing you want to do is submit it without first checking it for spelling, […]
February 12, 2023
Long metal playground slide with the text: Avoid the senior slide. 8 ways to finish your year strong.

Avoid the Senior Slide: 8 Ways to Finish Your Year Strong

Reading time: 7 mins. It’s the second semester of your senior year, and the risk of the senior slide (also known as the “senior slump” or […]
571 606 5325
Brainstorm 5 Personal Statement Topics in Just 1 Hour
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