March 18, 2024
Blog post: The Importance of Authentic Storytelling and Clear Communication

The Importance of Authentic Storytelling and Clear Communication

I’ve seen several TikToks lately as to what the phrase “out of pocket” means — and which generation is using the phrase right. Originally, the phrase […]
October 4, 2023

My Favorite Free and Low-Cost Admission Essay-Writing Resources

It's a common misconception that creating a great essay requires deep pockets and access to expensive resources and essay coaches. Luckily, that's not the case. I'm […]
March 8, 2023
Julia Byrd: Essay Coach -- Fast, easy, and free ways to proofread your essay

Fast, Easy, and Free Ways to Proofread Your Essay

After you’ve put so much work into writing your essay, the last thing you want to do is submit it without first checking it for spelling, […]
June 19, 2022
College Application Advice From Former Admission Officers

College Application Advice From Former Admission Officers 

The college admission process is more than a little mysterious. We all know that it happens, but we don't always really know how or why it […]
June 9, 2022
10 Steps to Brainstorm Admission Essay Topics

10 Steps to Brainstorm Admission Essay Topics

There are infinite ways to brainstorm admission essay topics. But each strategy isn’t created equal — what works for one person may not work for another. […]
April 30, 2022
Tips and Strategies for Writing an Effective Persuasive Essay for the TSI Test

Writing the TSI Essay: Strategies for Success

Writing a persuasive essay isn’t difficult, but writing an effective one does require thought and strategy. And when there’s some pressure to write that essay, like […]
April 25, 2022
Answering Students' Top College Admission Essay Questions

The Admission Essay: Top Questions, Answered

Updated: April 18, 2023 The college admissions process can be overwhelming even under the best of circumstances. Chances are, you’ve got questions about your admission essays. […]
March 24, 2021
The Challenge (and Opportunity) in Writing Your Admission Essays

Adding Value to Your Admission Essays

Writing your college admissions essay (often called the “personal statement”) is hard. I get it. (More than you know.) You’ve spent your high school career writing […]
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Brainstorm 5 Personal Statement Topics in Just 1 Hour
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